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Windows VST (64-bit DLL + instruments)
Bug fixes and features.
- GUI too large for moderate screen resolution
- Support percussion
- Show envelope stage in channel usage display
- Support writing to .DRO format (experimental)

Bug fixes and features.
- Added ZDoom emulator. Emulator is now selectable.
- Increased output amplitude by approximately 8 times (about 9 dB).
- Changed buffering scheme for DOSBox output as an attempt to solve noise issues on some VST hosts.
- Tested under Windows 7 x64:
- Renoise 2.8.0 x64
- FL Studio 11.1 x86 (trial version)
- Ableton Live 9.1.5 64-bit (trial version)
Bug fixes and features (thanks to Trylle!)
- Workaround or Cubase.
- Better channel re-use.
- Channel use displayed in UI.

0.9.6 beta
- Supports loading of .sbi instrument files (drag and drop).
- Hundreds of .sbi files included.
- MIDI pitch wheel events supported.
- Should now run under Windows XP.
0.9.5 beta
Bugfixes, support for loading Creative Labs Sound Blaster Instrument format.
0.9.3 beta
0.9 beta
What is it?
The OPL2 is a simple 2-operator digital FM sound chip from the late 80s, used in PC sound cards like the Adlib and original Sound Blaster. This VST instrument allows you to program an emulated OPL2 chip.
Demo on YouTube (Early version with no UI, music from PC version of Syndicate, tracked in Renoise).
GPL v2 licensed.